Perpetual morning (2019)

Perpetual morning, for flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano was premiered in April 2019 in Helsinki by Ensemble Recherche. It was awarded with the 42nd Irino Prize for chamber music composition in December 2020.

The work is inspired by the story of Danna Collette Nelson, a student of Sibelius Academy who was diagnosed with cancer one year before the premiere of the piece and decided to share her journey with everybody on social media. Her instagram account has been a very open and honest platform to share her everyday life as a cancer patient, as well as a tool for making all cancer patients visible, respected and understood. The narrative of the piece deals with the temporal possibilities of micronarratives such as instagram posts, and the musical material is inspired by the diverse emotional states that coexist throughout a journey like the fight against cancer.


Concerto for film and orchestra (2019)


Enlightenment (2018)